
How should you keep yourself upto date?

I am writing this post after moving to my next company in short span of 4 years. This is for my friends who want to keep themselves updated about IT industry on a regular basis.

1) Magazines relating to IT in Bangalore.

* SmartIT
* Slicon India
* i.t.
* PC Quest
* Linux for you

2) The next question is, do you know which are the best books of your domain?
For example for QA, following are the books

Kaner, Cem, Bach, James, and Pettichor, Bret, eds. Lessons Learned in Software Testing. John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Kaner, Cem, Falk, Jack, & Nguyen, Hung Quoc, eds. Testing Computer Software (2nd Ed.). International Thomson Computer Press, 1993.

Myers, Glenford. The Art of Software Testing.

John Wiley and Sons, 1979.

Patton, Ron. Software Testing.

SAMS Publishing, 2000.

Sistowicz, Jon, Arell, Ray, eds. Change-Based Test Management: Improving the Software Validation Process. Intel Press, 2003.

Viega, John, McGraw, Gary, eds. Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way. Addison-Wesley, 2001.

3) Blogs and Authority sites. Do you know which are the best authority websites for your domain?

4) Do you contribute to online forums? and do u know how to join the most active and interesting forums?

5) Do you use online tools like RSS, linkedin.com and Del.icio.us?

6) Have you optimized your time management routine or have you read Getting things Done?

7) Do you have list of websites you read on a daily basis? Following is my list.


I will be updating this post with more details stay tuned.
